A Note from OEXC Coaches

Hello Running Hawks and Future Hawks!

Your coaches want to say hello and let you know we are here via phone and email for anything you might need. With the social distancing and other situations you are experiencing what should your training look like? Hopefully this will help.

  1. Stay healthy. Running is a great way to keep you body healthy overall and fight illness. Wash your hands and shower. Obey regulations. Avoid extremes of heavy training or no training. If you get sick, let your self recover fully and start up slowly.
  2. Run as you feel. In a lot of ways you go back to the healthiest and best form of training….doing what your body says it should. The best athletes and happiest runners always learn to read their bodies. Build your distance over the next months. Build your strength.
  3. Social distancing means you may not be able to train as a group, but you can all care for each other. Your generation has the greatest tools in history to let each other know you care about each other and can check on each other. Phone, email, skype……all of these are good tools. Not seeing each other does not mean not caring. Stay in touch with your loved ones.

You are facing challenges unlike any other group of athletes and students we’ve ever had, but that doesn’t mean you can’t meet those challenges. You are healthy, young and strong. You are our future leaders, and you will be stronger because of these challenges.

This is a time when you all can step up and be your best for your family and your community. We will take a look at the long haul, and what is truly important during this time. We all have the opportunity to save our best natures during this time.  Let’s do that.

Always yours, Coach Bo, Daniels, Lathrop and Gunn

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